The socket is formed by part of the pelvic bone (acetabulum) and the ball is the upper end of the thigh bone.Smooth, slippery cartilage covers the surfaces of the ball and socket. It pads and protects the bones, allowing them to move easily. With OA, the cartilage wears away over time. The bone ends get rough and the space in the joint gets small. The bones rub against each other and bone spurs grow, causing pain. 

Osteoarthritis is a complex, multifactorial disease that can be successfully managed and treated through exercise, with minimal risk for negative consequences.  In some cases surgery is necessary depending on many factors. Images are needed in order to fully diagnose the patient along with the collection of signs and symptoms that support Hips Osteoarthritis.

There are training modes that improve patient outcomes related to joint symptoms, mobility, quality of life, psychological health, musculoskeletal properties, body composition, sleep, and fatigue. Exercise that is adequately programmed and progressive in nature demonstrates the greatest improvements in patient outcomes. Supervised, partially supervised, and unsupervised interventions can be successful in the treatment of hip osteoarthritis. All patients exhibited reductions in pain and increases in passive range of motion, as well as a clinically meaningful improvement in function.

What should you do!

  • PT or Chiro evaluation
  • Activity modification
  • Cryotherapy Gait modification
  • Electrical Stim 
  • Home exercise program provided by practitioner


